Thursday, November 1, 2007

Bringing Up Baby

Bring Up Baby was a very interesting movie and was funny at times. The falling of David and Susan always happened in pairs so near the end of the movie you could expect one to fall if the other had already. The predictability sort of took out of the movie at part such as when David slid down a rock cliff, you knew Susan was close behind. A part where this pairing is done well is when David and Susan attempt to wade through the creek/river. They both fall at the same time unlike in other times when it will be one after the other. This makes it a surprise and not a prediction. Another thing in the movie that stuck out was the barking of the dog. The dog was not in any way beneficial to the production of the movie. Its constant and monotonous barking made people want to strangle it or beat it to a bloody pulp. This hating of the dog creates hostility in the viewer so that he/she ends up not enjoying other parts in the film and makes them only be able to think about when the dog will be gone. Making the viewer angry is not something that a director should want his movie to do. It simply makes people hate the movie and thus hate the director for making it. It more than likely makes less people go to see the movie if bad things spread around communities about it. Overall I found the movie to be just O.K., it had its funny parts, but it also had its extremely annoying parts.


Claire W said...

i think the dog barking had other points it was tryin to make other than bothering the viewers, but maybe its just harder to look that deep. directors have everything happen for a reason

Julie E. said...

I noticed too that a lot of the parts of the movie happened in pairs. I also agree that the movie was annoying in parts. Susan's character was supposed to be that way though...but I still found her extreemly annoying.

Jackson said...

George's constant barking was definitely incredibly annoying, but after thinking about it, I think that it may have been added to help the audience relate to David and how annoying his situation is.

Optimus Prime said...

Good job, i never noticed that whatever happened happened in pairs between Susan and David. Good observation, makes a lot of sense for the Screwball comedy.

Eric said...

even though you found the movie annoying at times, you brought up very good points about the film (especially about that stupid dog)

Towey said...

the dog was absolutely nuts at some points. It would just sit there and bark during the scene and the director left it in there for the final cut, it was absurd. I definitely agree that this kind of information is something that would spread and thus cause the movie a negative reputation hurting the box office sales dramatically.