The Fountain was one of the most confusing movies that I have ever watched. When I watched it, I was with a group of friends and none of us understood it. The movie kept bouncing between a medieval conquistador, a modern scientist and doctor, and a bald guy that meditated inside a bubble and talked to a tree. It went between these three people at such random times that you could never tell what was happening. All three of the people were played by Hugh Jackman and although he did a good job of acting, I still didn't get what was happening. On top of all of this bouncing around there was something about some ancient Mayan belief in the afterlife that didn't make much sense. A good part about the movie I have to admit was the pretty colors that flashed around when the bald guy was up. Since the bubble the bald guy was in was floating through space you got to see some cosmic bodies. The main one I believe it said was a nebula surrounding a dead star that had something to do with the ancient Mayan belief. It looked pretty awesome and almost like you were right there close to it. I would say some more about it but I don't want to ruin the rest of the story, so go out and watch it and see for yourself how the movie goes.
The movie answered its own question. If you could live forever, you would be confused and reincarnated three times over. I'll have to see this one.
yeah dude that movie did look confusing from the trailers. I was tempted to go see it, but definitely not for the 8 dollars that could be so wisely spent somewhere else. Judging by your writeup it sounds like I made the right decision.
I agree with you. When i read what it was about i thought it was about the Ponce De Leon and the Fountain of Youth. But it never even had a fountain in the whole movie.... it was very confusing and i didn't understand it much at all.
I think I might have to watch this just because of how confusing you say it is. I think it would be fun to try and figure it out.
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